Monday, 24 May 2010

A New Website, A New Blog, A New Adventure

Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks to the few of you who were kind enough to read my ramblings over the past year. As of May 2010 I've opened up a new website dedicated to providing advice and assistance to prospective and current teachers in Korea. Please take a look at it and drop me a comment on the new site, it would really make my day. Better yet, if you think the new site has any merit, please link me to your blogs and let everyone know about it! The website is called 'How to Teach English in Korea' and can be found at

Also, keep your eyes peeled for a new and more comprehensive blog starting June. Kicking off in August I plan to travel around the world on an extremely limited budget. My new blog will be chronicling the adventure and hopefully, be featuring many of you as I cruise past your home cities. More on that one soon. Until then, stay cool!